Summer is in full swing and to keep cool and refreshed, I’m a big fan of eating raw veggies like in this classic cowboy caviar!
We became members at a co-op this weekend! There’s a neighborhood co-op just 2 miles from our home and it’s been the kind of place that I’ve shopped at here and there since we moved, but always only for an item or 2 when I didn’t feel like braving the crazy parking lot of our regular grocery store. I never took much time to walk through the store, look at prices, and see if there was any chance we could afford shopping there regularly, but I decided it was time to do so.
Kevin has been reading books from Michael Pollan for the past year and even before that has been really interested in where our food comes from, how it’s produced, and then the affect it has on our bodies. I’ve always been the more budget conscious in our relationship and that usually leads me to buy products that haven’t been responsibly grown/sourced and aren’t good for our bodies, because it’s the cheapest option. Maybe it’s getting older or maybe it’s just waking up a little, but I finally decided I’m ready to start treating my body with a little more respect with regards to what I consume.
So, just to walk you through our journey with the co-op, we became owners on Saturday by paying a $70 joining fee and signing a contract, allowing us to vote in elections, receive a patronage rebate back at the end of the year, and receive member discounts among other things. We also got a big coupon booklet, a free bag, and a bumper sticker (we’re not quite on that level yet), so hey! We’re off to a good start!
I planned out my meal plan/blog cooking schedule for the next two weeks and decided to make 1 big grocery haul yesterday since we got a 10% off coupon for our 1st co-op visit. We got lots of produce, some staples that we were out of, some bacon and cheese, and a few other random items. I have a few things of meat in the freezer, so I didn’t need to buy any of that this time, but I was blown away when our total at checkout was only $108 for 2 weeks worth of groceries! I usually budget around $80/week, so I was more than happy to come in well below that amount. Like I said, we were heavy on produce this week and didn’t need any cuts of meat besides bacon, so I’m assuming I’ll be up to that $80 amount on a usual shopping haul. But, that’s no more than I’ve been spending at our normal grocery store, so woohoo!! Also, we don’t really buy snacks other than unpopped popcorn and the occasional chips and salsa (and maybe ice cream), so that helps keep our costs low as well.
Like I said, I shopped for 2 weeks yesterday so I won’t be going back until the 1st of August, but I’ll keep you updated as to how we’re liking it. I’d love to know if any of you are co-op members as well, and if so, what your tips and tricks are for keeping costs down and making the most of your membership!
Like I said, we don’t really buy snacks, but that doesn’t mean I don’t make yummy things to munch on during the day like this old favorite stand-by, Cowboy Caviar! This recipe used to be my go-to for summer bbq’s back in Minnesota, but I kinda forgot about it after moving down here for some reason. It’s been a standard 97-103 degree summer here so far, which means that cold snacks are a must.
This recipe uses canned black beans and thawed frozen corn alongside other easy to chop fresh veggies, so it really couldn’t be easier to whip together. You can make it in about 15 minutes, depending on your chopping speed, and it’s ready to eat right when you’re done! If you do have a little time before needing to eat it, I recommend letting it sit in the fridge for a few hours to let the flavors all meld together. We’ve kept it for 4-5 days and it just kept getting tastier and tastier!
So, pull out some tortilla chips, invite a few friends over for a bbq, and kick off the evening with this Cowboy Caviar!
Slow Cooker Garlic Dill Snack Mix
Pressure Cooker Chicken Crack Dip
Loaded Sweet Potato Nacho Fries
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Yummy! I saw your Instagram pic and was like YES I am making that today. I still have to grocery shop tonight, so perfect timing! Thanks for sharing!
Woohoo! It’ll look so bright and colorful in that adorable house of yours 🙂
LOVE this stuff! Thanks for posting the recipe!
You’re very welcome! It’s one of my favorites too!